KPMG OriginsFullstack Web + Lead.

2022 - Now

KPMG Origins, a venture backed by KPMG
Responsible for the development of several core parts of the Origins platform.
  • Building Trustworthy Indicator

    Developing and launching the Building Trustworthy Indicator

    • Rapidly integrated into the existing team
    • Made significant contributions to the project, resulting in the successful launch of the project
    C Sharp
  • Asset Impact

    Developing and launching the Asset Impact solution

    • Responsible for a large portion of the development of the original Asset Impact solution
    • Critical to the successful launch of the project
    C Sharp
  • Integrated Waste Tracking Solution

    Leading a team to develop and launch the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution

    • Team lead and technical mentor for the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution project
    • Successfully led a team in the development of the IWTS project, and was responsible for its successful launch
    C Sharp
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